Computer assembly for beginners

Jeff Asai
I’m from Milpitas, California, which is in the heart of Silicon Valley (home to companies like Apple, and Google). My first job was assembling computers for my school district, when I was in high school. I have put together dozens of computers, including my current desktop PC.
Have you ever wanted to assemble a computer, but are too afraid to try? Let me help!
In this class, we will talk about the different parts of a computer, what each part does, and how to choose the right one for you.
We will look at reviews and websites for each part, and I will assemble a computer in-class so you can see how to actually do it yourself.
Students can feel free to ask questions and participate in chat, or just watch if they like. No experience is necessary!
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Lesson overview:
Part 1: Computer Parts
- Self-introductions and overview of a computer (1)
- Overview of a computer (2)
- In-depth look at components – Important statistics for each part, how to read reviews and benchmarks (1)
- In-depth look at components (2)
Part 2: Computer assembly
- Getting started with assembly. Planning parts, choosing a tower, etc.
- The importance of placement, cooling solutions, fan push vs pull, liquid cooling
- Cable management, lighting, keeping your system neat
- Final touches, peripherals, monitors, setup
Part 3: History, news, future developments
- History of computing
- The current state of computers, how long parts last, budgeting
- The future of computers, what to look for, what to wait for
- Conclusion – final questions, overview, Student presentations of their systems